Although the revenue budget was fulfilled due to high inflation as of year-end of 2021, key areas as healthcare, economic support and education had not received the required funding. This was stated by MP Serhiy Lovochkin, commenting on the final data on the implementation of the last year’s state budget.
“The results of 2021 have once again demonstrated that the current government does not know how to properly prioritize while spending the budget funds. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain the fact that support to economic activities, health care and education remained underfunded though some less important expenditure items were fully implemented, ” the politician said.
He cited the data that the costs for support to economic activity in the common fund are underfunded by UAH1.37 billion, for healthcare - by UAH2.68 billion and for education - by UAH0.56 billion.
“In light of the current energy crisis, it is impossible to understand why the Novokostiantynivska Mine Investment Project turned out to be underfunded by 34%, although it is clear that this is an investment promising a quick return, not to mention that it will contribute to enhanced energy security,” the MP is convinced.
In his point of view, it is also perplexing that during the pandemic, the construction of the Okhmatdit Children Medical Center did not receive 25% of the planned funds.
“The government does not renounce the infamous “medical reform”, but in the same time underfunds by 38% the expenses for developing the emergency medical care system and modernizing the material and technical base of healthcare institutions – i.e. without which medicine cannot develop,” he added.
“The situation with key funding items looks even worse if to address it in terms of the implementation of laws. Health care shall receive 5% of GDP, but in reality its share has decreased from 4.2% in 2020 to an estimated 3.8% of GDP in 2021. The situation in education is the same, where funding has decreased from 6% to 5.8% of GDP though a legislative minimum is 7% of GDP. Such deterioration in basic areas cannot be explained otherwise than by the lack of professionalism in the government. So if we want to improve the situation in 2022, then it is necessary to decide immediately on the replacement of the entire the Cabinet of Ministers,” Serhiy Lovochkin summed up.

01 February 2022