Recovery rate has dropped by six times in 2019 compared to previous year, from +3.0 percent to +0.5 percent. This was stated by OPPOSITION PLATFORM — FOR LIFE Serhiy Lovochkin in a comment on current economy situation.
“At current rates, Ukrainian production sector will reach its 2013 level only in 2060, and only given that current positive foreign market trends persist. Maybe the previous government was OK with the state losing its production sector, but those times are gone. We want to see our country with strong economy, this is why we’re coming to the new parliament with a package of bills aimed at prioritization of the production sector development,” Lovochkin said.
The politician believes it’s a catastrophe that the total industry volume in first six months of 2019 reached only 81.8 percent of what’s been produced over the same period in 2013.
“Over five years, the government was only able to destroy what had been created earlier. The new government elected by the new parliament will have to restore it all. It’s a hard task that needs more than enthusiasm — it also requires professionalism and experience. Our faction will push forward the adoption of bills necessary for the industrial sector. And we hope to have support with it,” Lovochkin said.
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