The new administration is keeping up with practices of its predecessors by solving budget deficit problems through underfunding its planned costs, OPPOSITION PLATFORM – FOR LIFE MP Serhiy Lovochkin said in a commentary on the State Treasury report for ten months of 2019.

The politician cited figures on income and expenses of the general fund of the state budget. The income reached 712bln hryvnia, which is by 5.9 percent, or 44.9bln hryvnia less than planned for the period. The expenses over the same period had been underfunded by 8.8 percent, or 72.5bln hryvnia less than planned.

“This is one the worst budgets in recent years by its performance indicators. The government compensates the failure of customs and tax authorities to collect revenue by providing less funds on economy support, healthcare, education, and culture. It’s clear that the Verkhovna Rada will have to make some conclusions by the yearend, both political and personnel related. Continuing this policy of underfinancing major items on the budget is intolerable,” Lovochkin said.

He reminded that OPPOSITION PLATFORM – FOR LIFE has drafted a package of bills aimed at speeding up economic growth and thus increasing budget income.

“Me and my parliamentary faction colleagues have drafted hundreds of bills and proposed them for consideration, including an alternative budget draft and bills on lower utility rates, improvement of living standards, and economic development. We are willing to do our parliamentary best to have them passed. This will benefit Ukraine and all our citizens,” the MP said.