Low economic growth rates remain one of the major problems of our country, and acting government has no recipes for improvements. This was stated by MP Serhiy Lovochkin.

“The results of the 2019 show that the real GDP in 2020 will still be lower than that in 2013 by 5.5 percent. If official forecast rates come true, Ukraine will reach the last pre-crisis figure of real GDP only by 2021. The acting government, just like its predecessors, has no recipe for improving economic situation. It’s not possible to achieve real economic growth by attracting investments into internal bonds instead of the manufacturing industry,” the politician believes.

According to Lovochkin, the gap in economic development between Ukraine and other countries in the region has grown wider recently. While Ukraine’s GDP dropped by 5.5 percent over the past six years, in other states it has increased: in Lithuania by 20.5 percent, in Latvia by 20.7 percent, in Bulgaria by 21.3 percent, in Slovakia and Slovenia by 21.7 percent each, in Czech Republic by 22 percent, in Estonia by 23.1 percent, in Hungary by 26.2 percent, in Poland by 26.9 percent, in Georgia by 27.2 percent, in Turkey by 27.5 percent, and in Romania by 30.4 percent.

“The best wishes for 2020 are restoration of peace and change in the country’s economic course. The task of OPPOSITION PLATFORM – FOR LIFE is to secure these changes, and we know how to do that,” Lovochkin said.