“The European choice of Ukraine, which seemed ultimate in 2014, found itself facing serious challenges. Among components of Euroscepticism, born due to the internal reasons of the EU, is scepticism towards Ukraine. However, the reason of this component is inside Ukraine: inability of its authorities to make the state European in terms of living standards, principles of democracy and freedom of speech, absence of corruption. We must look for the answers ourselves to avoid losing the European future”.

Hostilities, the loss of a fifth of GDP, cheerless prospects for the old industry, chaos of state and social institutes make the strategy and vision of European integration of 2013 irrelevant. The agenda of the European policy of Ukraine must take into account the existing crisis of the European integration project and discontent of certain countries with the price Europe pays because of the “Ukrainian crisis”. New strategy of European integration becomes a matter of salvation and re-arrangement of Ukrainian society. Answers can be found in the report of “New Ukraine” Institute “European Policy of Ukraine: New Challenges and New Answers”.

Report “European Policy of Ukraine: New Challenges and New Answers”

“The main challenge of the modern crisis for the economy of Ukraine is not only the loss of dynamics. There is a much deeper problem behind the decline in industrial production, depreciation of the national currency, bankruptcy of banks and enterprises - the loss of strategic competitiveness. Instead of building the economy of post-industrial era, we risk again to find ourselves in the pre-industrial period. Moving back when the world is moving forward is a dead end road”.

To date we can state the actual loss of Ukraine's strategic competitiveness in the economy, along with its active deindustrialization. The country needs rapid transformation of the economy along with new reindustrialization and parallel reincarnation of those industries that still have high-tech and competitive production in the long-term. The long-term “Program of Industrial Recovery” is a task that will resemble the Marshall Plan with its importance and scale of implemented policy.

Memorandum of “New Ukraine” Institute “Three Dimensions of New Economic Course”