As of May 2019, Ukrainians owe 63.5bln hryvnia to utility services providers, and this level of indebtedness is critical for the entire housing services system. This was stated by OPPOSITION PLATFORM — FOR LIFE MP Serhiy Lovochkin
05 June 2019
The outgoing government’s failures have got Ukraine into total dependence on IMF and other creditors. This was stated by OPPOSITION PLATFORM — FOR LIFE MP Serhiy Lovochkin. The politician is certain that economic growth can help overcome this dependence
29 May 2019
Ukrainian export growth rates in Q1 2019 were the slowest in the past three years. This was stated by OPPOSITION PLATFORM — FOR LIFE MP Serhiy Lovochkin. The politician believes that the outgoing government’s reluctance to help the economy of Ukraine has enabled the state to reach its 2013 export levels
23 May 2019
The income of the state budget’s general fund added up to 178.2bln hryvnia over the first three months of 2019, which is by 8.9 percent, or 16bln hryvnia less than planned for the period. This was stated by OPPOSITION PLATFORM — FOR LIFE MP Serhiy Lovochkin in a commentary regarding the Q1 budget execution. The MP said the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine had announced increased risks of budget execution failure in 2019
14 May 2019