Ukraine’s national debt continues increasing, having reached 2,355bln hryvnia as of Aug. 1, an 18-percent growth since early 2020. According to MP Serhiy Lovochkin, the government’s current financial policy leaves critically important national sectors underfunded.
09 September 2020
Despite budget performance above target that was announced by the government in June, the very next month saw a sharp increase in wage arrears, including to public employees. According to MP Serhiy Lovochkin, even healthcare workers who are to be funded as top priority sector had their salary payments delayed.
04 September 2020
Ukraine’s debt burden on the economy and the state budget increased in the first half of 2020, and by the end of the year the ratio of the public debt to GDP risks exceeding the safety threshold as defined in the Budget Code. This was stated OPPOSITION PLATFORM – FOR LIFE MP Serhiy Lovochkin.
21 August 2020
On Sept. 1, Ukrainian schoolchildren will return to schools for the first time since quarantine. However, the government is not ready to provide proper schools operation amid the epidemic. According to OPPOSITION PLATFORM – FOR LIFE MP Serhiy Lovochkin, the recommendations by the Education Ministry on organization of school process amid COVID-19 might be impossible to comply with due to lack of funding.
19 August 2020